Grafton Recruitment Slovakia s.r.o.

Maintenance Manager - new automotive company (Ref. č.: -=KONTAKT=-)

Job information

- We are looking for Maintenance Manager for Body Shop - You will be some of the first to join local shop management team - You will be a main contributor in setting up a Maintenance Organisation defining the most efficient setup for the specific shop - Set prerequisites for business with assured availability, maintainability and maintenance support according to the VCC Reliability & Maintainability process - Become the all-round counterpart to the ME project team for all kinds of maintenance-related issues in the project - Secure and improve KPIs such as OPR, technical availability, MCBF, MDT, maintenance costs and safety - Be responsible for leading and developing the Shop Maintenance Team by applying Value Driven Maintenance - upport and take active part in the shop's future development (Line speed changes and introduction of new products/processes); - Drive Best Practice Sharing Shop Engineering between the plants and within the plant

Benefits and other advantages:

- 13th salary - Annual Bonus depending on performance and company's financial results - Company car with a monthly fuel benefit of 250 EUR - Employee share matching program - Regular annual salary appraisal and increase - Life insurance - Contribution to Supplementary Pension Savings (lll. Pillar)

Information for the applicant:

Send us your CV in English and Slovak if you have one. For more related job opportunities visit

Generally required knowledge:

- Several years of previous working experience in a leading technical role in a highly automated industrial environment within Body in White, preferably OEM - University education in Mechanical/Mechatronic, Manufacturing, Automation, Electrical, or related field - Demonstrated flexibility, being able to work under an organization in a transformation period, or green-field project - Willingness to travel domestically and internationally on an occasional basis, although based in Kosice, Slovakia - Conversational in English, written and spoken - Ability to work within a multinational team - High level of communication skills, curiosity to learn new technologies - Analytic and engineering data reporting skills

Employee requirements

  • Minimum required education:
    vysokoškolské II. stupňa

Company information

Company characteristics:

Spoločnosť Grafton Slovakia s.r.o., svetovo uznávaný poskytovateľ personálnych služieb a sprostredkovaní práce, je personálno-poradenská agentúra so širokou pôsobnosťou. V oblasti sprostredkovania práce ponúkame stále zamestnanie, dočasné úväzky, brigády, ale tiež prácu v zahraničí. Zameriava sa predovšetkým na ponuky práce v nasledujúcich oboroch: obchod, marketing, administratíva, financie, bankovníctvo, IT, engineering, výroba, farmácia, cestovný ruch a ďalšie. Okrem ponuky práce poskytuje aj personálne poradenstvo, napr. ako napísať životopis, sprievodný list či ako sa pripraviť na pohovor.

Medzi široké portfólio Grafton služieb tiež patrí personálna inzercia na mieru, testovanie kandidátov, Assesment Centres, personálne a mzdové vedenie, konzultácie v oblasti ľudských zdrojov a Outplacement.

Graftonu záleží na kvalite, a preto sa snaží na trhu sprostredkovania práce a personálneho poradenstva ponúknuť maximálne profesionálny servis. Práve preto implementoval európsky uznávaný systém riadenia kvality ISO 9001. Certifikát ISO 9001 prispieva k snahe spoločnosti Grafton vyhovieť požiadavkám jej zákazníkov v najlepšej možnej kvalite. Ku každému zákazníkovi pristupuje individuálne s prioritou nájsť spoločné riešenie.

Počet videní: 32
Ponúkaná mzda: 3500 EUR
Inzerent:Grafton Recruitment Slovakia s.r.o. [ ]
Zverejnené dňa:2024-10-07 (16 dní)
Zverejnené pre lokality:Slovensko Košický kraj Košice
Pracovná ponuka nájdená za 0 milisekúnd.