Toto je archívna záloha pracovnej ponuky, slúžiaca výhradne na informačné účely.
Nemusí byť úplne aktuálna, nemusí obsahovať a pravdepodobne ani neobsahuje všetky relevantné údaje originálnej pracovnej ponuky.
Na originálnu pracovnú ponuku sa dostanete kliknutím na
tento odkaz.
You may only know Tesco as a place where you like to shop. However, the creation of such a place is supported by many experts, for example us lawyers, without whom it would not be possible. Therefore, we ensure that all company activities are in compliance with legal regulations and provide legal support to other teams in our company.
- Help developing, implementing, and monitoring a comprehensive data protection and privacy strategy in line with GDPR and other relevant regulations.
- Serve as the primary point of contact within the organization for data protection and privacy issues, both internally and externally.
- Advise and guide the organization on data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) and oversee their completion.
- Develop and maintain policies and procedures related to data protection.
- Liaise with the supervisory authority on data protection matters.
- Stay up-to-date with changes in data protection laws and regulations, ensuring that the company's policies and procedures are updated accordingly.
- Manage and respond to inquiries from data subjects regarding their rights under GDPR.
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