Controls Engineer - Robotic
Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia s.r.o.
- Miesto výkonu práce, Ďalšie miesto výkonu práce
- Horné lúky 4540/1,94901 Nitra - Nitra
- Dátum nástupu na voľné pracovné miesto
- ihneď
- Základná zložka mzdy v eurách (v hrubom)
- 1 930€mesačne
- Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer
- Pracovný pomer na neurčitý čas
- Dátum a čas vytvorenia
- 12.12.2024 o 09:53
- Naposledy aktualizované
- 12.12.2024 o 10:07
Údaje o pracovnej pozícii
- Id VPM
- 2355778
- Zdroj
- úrad PSVR
- Názov pracovnej pozície
- Controls Engineer - Robotic
- Profesia (SK ISCO-08)
- -=KONTAKT=-Nastavovač priemyselných robotov
- Pracovná oblasť
- Strojárstvo (vrátane výroby motorových vozidiel)
- Počet voľných miest
- 2
- Náplň práce
- • Maintenance engineers are responsible for maintaining and repairing the plant equipment (mainly ABB, Fanuc, DURR robots) , tools and systems used in manufacturing, engineering and other industrial production processes. • Conducting periodic maintenance checks, planning equipment upgrades and machinery modifications, identifying faults, investigating equipment breakdowns and monitoring the performance of equipment after repairs have been carried out. • Responsible for the procurement of new components for existing equipment, or replacing the entire set of machines after a prescribed period of usage is complete. • Analyse CM (Condition Monitoring) / PM (Process Monitoring) data and advise to support in corrective actions and continuous improvement activities. Creating Work Instructions Sheets for Predictive Maintenance tasks. • Manage the implementation of PM, TPM modifications and update related documentation, to ensure they meet the correct Standards. • Assist with training for the integrated production and maintenance teams. Prepare training materials and training equipment. • Liaise with Machine suppliers and system vendors. • Provide technical expertise to team problem-solving activities. • Work with the team and other department members to produce effective maintenance strategies, procedures and methods. Liaise with Production and Quality departments to ensure highest level of build quality is achieved after any intervention and throughout the working life of equipment. • Develop a strong relationship with other JLR departments and external suppliers through technical strengths and diligent attitude. • Engages interest and participation of others and has a collaborative approach to working together. Actively Committed to team development.
- Miesto výkonu práce, Ďalšie miesto výkonu práce
- Horné lúky 4540/1,94901 Nitra - Nitra
- Ďalšie miesta výkonu práce
Pracovné podmienky
- Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer
- Pracovný pomer na neurčitý čas
- Zmennosť
- štvorzmenná
- Nočná práca
- Áno
- Sezónna práca
- Nie
- Základná zložka mzdy v eurách (v hrubom)
- 1 930€mesačne
- Druh voľnej pracovnej pozície
- Voľné pracovné miesto v podnikateľskej sfére
- Ponúkané výhody
- • For relax, regeneration, as well as for sport activities surrounded by your colleagues, accessible from October 2023, our Centre of health and well-being. Fitness centre, multifunctional playgrounds, table tennis, yoga, massages, nutritionist, psychological counsellor and legal advisor directly in a building helping each and every employee, not only taking care about health, but also strengthen friendship with colleagues in professionally equipped spaces, for free. • Catering only for 1€. During the breaks, you can have a rest, relax and/or have a snack, beverages from a variety of options offered in our automatic machines. • Contribution to regeneration and education in value of 200€. • Give us a recommendation for a new colleagues and get a bonus in a value of 250€ brutto. The more successful candidates you can provide us with, the more you can get. • For travelling we are offering you contribution of 60€ per month. • After 12 finished months here with us, we provide you every september with 400€ brutto, so you can by yourself choose from our Jaguar Land Rover benefits. You all know how you want to spend your free time, either by relaxing, shopping, education… • Jaguar Land Rover will contribute with 3% from the sum of your salary for your additional pension savings and will cover your life and accident insurance in full. • You will work in a well-equipped environment, where we make sure our employees feel comfortable and taken care of, so they have all they need, in terms of a proper working environment. • Your career development is vital for us, that is why we also offer you opportunities for additional education, training courses, etc. • In Jaguar Land Rover, we also care about our surroundings, including environment, hundreds of our volunteers have already been helping Nitra and communities living here.
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
- Požadovaný stupeň vzdelania
- Stredné odborné vzdelanie
- Prax
- aspoň 2 roky
- Znalosť slovenského jazyka je nevyhnutná
- Nie
- Cudzí jazyk
- anglickýstredná - pokročilá B1 a B2
- Počítačové zručnosti
- Kancelárske balíky - Microsoft Excel-vysoká
- Ďalšie požiadavky
- Essential: • Completion of college diploma or university degree in: Mechatronics / Electrical / Software Engineering on a BsC or MsC level, ideally in in an Automotive Manufacturing Technical Field with a preference to a Background with a Time served engineering apprenticeship or • Experience in Automotive Controls Systems / Facilities Management Background • Experience with Industrial Robots - ABB, FANUC, DURR • Flexibility in working patterns and approaches to achieve overall business goals • Excellence in developing processes for Managing Maintenance systems • In depth knowledge of Safety and Environmental standards to be able to create risk assessments for industrial automation equipment. • A very Good knowledge of Google & MS Office Applications. (PowerPoint, Excel, and Word and Project). • Pro-active strength of debugging and resolving key constraints, effective problem solving & root cause analysis using adequate toolsets • Experience of specifying and installing new automation to realise productivity targets • Develop strong effective working relationships with key customers, supplier companies and adjacent departments. • Raise and Manage Orders and small Projects. • Develop strong effective working relationships with key customers, supplier companies and adjacent departments. • Fluently English language skills. Desirable: • SAP PM, FACMON, Maximo IBM or similar maintenance software • Experienced and proven record for lean manufacturing principles.
Údaje o zamestnávateľovi
- Názov spoločnosti
- Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia s.r.o.
- Právna forma
- Spol. s r. o.
- Sídlo
- Horné lúky 4540/194901 Nitra - NitraSlovensko
- 48302392
- Počet zamestnancov
- Charakteristika zamestnávateľa
- Jaguar Land Rover je najväčším automobilovým výrobcom vo Veľkej Británii, prináša technické inovácie a používa najmodernejšie technológie na výrobu jedných z najžiadanejších luxusných vozidiel na svete značiek Jaguar a Land Rover. V roku 2018 otvoril svoje brány moderný závod v Nitre, Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia. Vyrábame 2 ikonické modely: Land Rover Discovery a Land Rover Defender. V súčasnosti zamestnávame viac ako 3800 zamestnancov. Momentálne sme najatraktívnejšou inovatívnou automobilkou v regióne a sme pripravení na ďalší rast.
- Činnosť zamestnávateľa (SK NACE Rev. 2)
- Výroba motorových vozidiel
Zabezpečenie obsadenia pracovnej pozície
- Sprostredkovanie kandidátov
- V spolupráci s úradom PSVR
- Forma sprostredkovania
- individuálnou formou
- Dátum ukončenia ponuky
- 11.02.2025
- Informácie o obsadení pozície
- Pozícia je vhodná aj pre štátnych príslušníkov tretích krajínZverejniť voľnú pracovnú pozíciu aj na európskom portáli pracovných miest
Kontaktná osoba
- Kontaktná osoba
- Michaela Ellerová