Downstream Value Chain&PM Expert

Downstream Value Chain&PM Expert
Miesto výkonu práce
Bratislava, Slovensko
Dátum nástupu
Dátum pridania ponuky
16. 9. 2024
Druh pracovného pomeru
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
Mzda (v hrubom)
2 500 € za mesiac
Uvedená výška mzdy predstavuje minimálnu garantovanú sumu základnej zložky mzdy. Finálna úroveň základnej mzdy závisí od individuálnych schopností a skúseností vybraného kandidáta.
Počet voľných pracovných miest

Údaje o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce

The Value Chain Owner and PM senior expert drives the development of assigned new and sustainable value chain(s) and related organic and inorganic project(s).

During the implementation phase provides full business ownership over the project(s) while actively participating in the external and internal stakeholder management and drives the market development of assigned value chain(s) in order to implement the business case successfully.

What will you do?

  • Actively manages market development in the assigned areas within Sustianable Solutions scope.
  • Develops and implements project and resource planning.
  • Ensures high quality organic and inorganic project execution while keeping the defined timing, scope and budget.
  • Coordines multidisciplinary project teams to achieve set targets while creating a working environment that allows everyone to perform to the best of their abilities. *Provides strategic direction to project teams as well as handling day-to-day project execution and communications.
  • Actively communicaes with key stakeholders.
  • Actively manages project risks, ensures that risk management and risk acceptance criteria are in place and defined risk response plans are elaborated and followed.
  • Ensures project documentation according to best practices, including that risks and lessons learned during the project are well documented to support the development of the Project Management culture within MOL Group.
  • Initiatiates and contributes to idea generation initiatives as well as to technical, commercial, and financial analyses of Sustainable Solutions project proposals.

Ponúkané výhody

  • 13. plat
  • Christmas bonus in the amount of a monthly salary.
  • Financial contribution for cultural, sports and other activities in the annual amount of €1,596.
  • Allowance for transport to work, in the form of a fuel card.
  • Secure catering and a varied menu of meals.
  • Above-standard health care in the network of Pro Care polyclinics.
  • Possibility of free use of sports facilities (swimming pool, sauna, tennis courts, etc.).
  • An annual contribution of €50 to the Slovnaftrelax center.
  • Birth allowance and kindergarten with employer's contribution.
  • Allowance for blood donors and for supplementary pension savings

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Požadované vzdelanie

  • Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa
  • Vysokoškolské vzdelanie tretieho stupňa

Dĺžka praxe

Aspoň 5 rokov


  • Anglický - Pokročilá: B1 a B2
  • Slovenský - Vysoká: C1 a C2
Vyžaduje sa ovládanie všetkých definovaných jazykov.

Ďalšie požiadavky

  • University degree (Economic or Technical)
  • At least 5 years of relevant experience (PM/Value Chain)
  • Expertise in Project Management
  • Basic knowladge in M&A,
  • Problem solving skills,
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Knowledge and experience in H2 or Biogas value chain is an advantage
  • English and Slovak language knowledge

Počet videní: 1
Ponúkaná mzda: 2500 EUR
Inzerent:SLOVNAFT, a.s. [ ]
Zverejnené dňa:2024-09-16 (6 dní)
Zverejnené pre lokality:Slovensko Bratislavský kraj Bratislava
Pracovná ponuka nájdená za 0 milisekúnd.