Košice04001Košický krajSK3000 EUR
Digital Project Manager Operations Support
Caterpillar Slovakia, s. r. o.
Miesto výkonu práce, Ďalšie miesto výkonu práce
Zbrojničná 6,04001 Košice-Staré Mesto - Košice I
and AWS Fargate.
• Experience in banking systems, particularly customer information systems, is advantageous. Extensive experience with other business systems and services is also valued.
• Strong un
networks, storage, and enterprise applications.
Ensure high availability and reliability of IT systems through effective monitoring, maintenance, and support strategies.
Develop and implement IT operational
Information systems assurance specialist (Ref. č.: 1-15-44101)
Grafton Slovakia s.r.o.
Miesto práce:
Ponúkaný plat (základná mzda):
Druh pracovného
4 ponuky práce nájdené
za 3 milisekúnd.