Práca | Bratislavský kraj | Slovakia senior manager quality


/ Bratislava84101Bratislavský krajSK2217 EUR

Proj Mgmt Analyst IQVIA RDS Slovakia, s. r. o. Miesto výkonu práce, Ďalšie miesto výkonu práce Vajnorská 100/B,83104 Bratislava-Nové Mesto - Bratislava III Slovensko Dátum nástupu


with a minimum of three days per week in the office. Position Summary: As a Senior Java Application Developer/Manager, you will play a critical role in shaping, upgrading, and maintaining our applications


accuracy of the documentation, allowing the completion of the CDD reviews in a timely manner. Data quality is handled through duly collecting and storing all documents requested from clients in our library


in-depth knowledge. We want to extend the squad with someone that will help us raise and speed up the quality, resilience, reliability and automation of their delivery. Roles and responsibilities You will


/ Bratislava84101Bratislavský krajSK1700 EUR

SALES MANAGER - Cestná preprava (Ref. č.: -=KONTAKT=-) Grafton Slovakia s.r.o. Miesto práce: Bratislava Bratislava Ponúkaný plat (základná mzda): -=KONTAKT=-EUR Druh pracovného

5 pracovných ponúk nájdených za 4 milisekúnd.