Práca | Banská Štiavnica | Cloud engineer

Ak máte záujem o prácu v meste Banská Štiavnica skúste si pozrieť aj pracovné ponuky pre tieto hľadania cloud engineer senior (13), cloud engineer devops (9), cloud engineer data (8), cloud engineer azure (5).


positionsAbout usLearn & GrowWe offer Open positions Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia Cloud Engineer for Data&Analytics...


:12.3.-=KONTAKT=-lokalita:Remote workPozícia:Backend developer,DevOps Engineer,Java Programmer,Python Programmer,Software EngineerSpoločnosť:Elisa...


usLearn & GrowWe offer Open positions Technical Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia ICT Engineer (Cloud) Place of...


pomocí nástrojů jako Terraform, Ansible nebo CloudFormation. Implementace kontejnerizačních řešení s využitím Docker a Kubernetes. Optimalizace...


/ Práca z domuSK2800 - 3800 EUR

Data Engineer (home office) Pavol Malo Miesto práce Práca z domu Druh pracovného pomeru skrátený úväzok Termín...


/ Práca z domuSK3500 EUR

O SPOLOČNOSTINAŠE SLUŽBYPRE KANDIDÁTOVKONTAKT Data Engineer Informácie o pracovnom mieste Miesto práce:Práca z domu Mzdové...


deploying solutions as containers on a cloud platform using an automated CI / CD pipeline ​Experience in configuring, monitoring and handling...


server based. Understands Microsoft licensing concepts and product use rights on prem as well as in cloud. Navigating and leveraging Microsoft...


are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) Biz-Dev-Ops engineer to join our team. The ideal candidate...


#GoStability#GoPurpose#GoGrowth Senior Data Engineer Apply now and grow within a rapidly evolving company. GoHealth Slovakia is looking...


Bachelors, Masters, or PhD degree in relevant field. • Working knowledge with cloud technologies (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc). •...


Pracovné ponukyO násKontakt DevOps Engineer (Terraform@AWS) Remote work Place of work Remote work Contract type full-time Start...


tech to increase sustainability. How do you want to use technology? Senior Data Engineer - ready for Cloud level? (all genders) Place...


GitLabCI (yml) Development and operations of UNIQA services in AWS public cloud infrastructure Development and operations of cloud...


Sovereign Cloud within T-systems international cloud portfolio. DevOps engineer is participates design and implementation...

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38 pracovných ponúk nájdených za 7 milisekúnd.