Práca | Košický kraj | LINO s. r. o. manager engineering


/ Košice, Slovak Republic04001Košický krajSK2.25 EUR / hodinu

responsibilities and duties Who will you report to? The main reporting line leads to Plant Supply Chain Engineering Manager. What...


Digital Workplace Endpoint Engineering AV Engineer Unomedical s.r.o. Place of work Remote work Contract...


/ Košice04001Košický krajSK2250 EUR

to? The position is located at the Volvo Car Kosice plant and the main reporting line leads to Environmental Manager. What will...


/ Košice04001Košický krajSK2250 EUR

to? The position is located at the Volvo Car Kosice plant and the main reporting line leads to Environmental Manager. What will...

4 ponuky práce nájdené za 48 milisekúnd.