Práca | Trenčín | Right power, a.s. manager


služieb a riešení na mieru, ktoré pokrývajú životný cyklus zamestnanca a pomáhajú jej klientom dosiahnuť svoje ciele a zvýšiť si konkurencieschopnosť. ManpowerGroup, spoločnosť s obratom $22 miliárd a s 65-ročnou


reporting, such as SQL, Python, or R. Knowledge of cloud computing services (e.g., AWS, Azure) and their application in BI solutions. Several...


environment (including locating, isolating, and rectifying faults using documented procedures, as well as implementing requirements...


agreements to ensure clarity on ownership, availability, quality of service and cost control as well as to ensure a standardized...

4 ponuky práce nájdené za 4 milisekúnd.