Platové štatistiky

Práca | Z domu / Remote | Strojárenskej automotive


SK|EN O nás Voľné pozície Kariéra Benefity Kontakt Technical Project Leader for R&D Automotive Center Miesto práce Brose...


SK|EN O nás Voľné pozície Kariéra Benefity Kontakt Project Engineer for R&D Automotive Center Miesto práce Brose...


zručnosti - znalosti v oblasti mechanickej konštrukcie a automatizácie - prax v projektovom riadení, automotive výhodou, min 5 rokov, -...

production and processing of pulp and paper, and presses and press lines for the international automotive industry. With more than 175 years...


production and processing of pulp and paper, and presses and press lines for the international automotive industry. With more than 175 years...


production and processing of pulp and paper, and presses and press lines for the international automotive industry. With more than 175 years...


production and processing of pulp and paper, and presses and press lines for the international automotive industry. With more than 175 years...

7 pracovných ponúk nájdených za 3 milisekúnd.