Platové štatistiky

Práca | EHS Leader


/ Albea Levice, LeviceNitriansky krajSK1800 EUR

zodpovednosti Implementuje EHS politiku Albéa v závode Albéa Slovakia v medziach pôsobnosti. Zodpovedá za EHS v spolupráci s externými...


person to take over the role of EHS Manager in our plant and for whom safety and implementation of EHS legislation standards is...


/ Géňa, LeviceNitriansky krajSK2000 EUR

Recommend job to a friend E-mail Facebook Viber Whatsapp Hello. We are HALEON The new world leader in the production of personal...


/ Géňa, LeviceNitriansky krajSK3000 EUR

Recommend job to a friend E-mail Facebook Viber Whatsapp Hello. We are HALEON The new world leader in the production of personal...


/ Géňa, LeviceNitriansky krajSK2100 EUR

Recommend job to a friend E-mail Facebook Viber Whatsapp Hello. We are HALEON The new world leader in the production of personal...


/ Rimavská SobotaBanskobystrický krajSK3000 EUR

Ensures compliance with health and safety laws, regulations, and guidelines, including IATF, EPA and EHS requirements. Employee perks,...

6 pracovných ponúk nájdených za 11 milisekúnd.